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SPACE OVER SPACE OVER SPACE, consists of three works created by Gustiele Fistaról e Tiago Gasperin, Território de Rupturas collective, which were exhibited at the gallery SóLaura Studios in Neukölln, Berlin in 2023.

The artists combined different materials generated in Brazil and Germany, such as audio, videos, and writings, playing with the idea of disobedience to the established solid logic, to blur times and spaces. The interactive art installations are an attempt to displace spaces and intertwine geographies.

"Space over space over space" is an invitation to poeticize the measurements of a body in space. Is it possible to be in a state of displacement without taking a single step? How many steps are needed to cross a lifetime? And a city block? Can one traverse a city block within a room? When counting is vocalized, do 639 words suffice to traverse a perimeter?

Photos by Emílio Cantú and William Ying

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